ZoningSupply.com - Zone Control

HVAC Zone Controls & Zoning Dampers

Zone Control Info


Why SmartZone is the best zone controller.

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  • Screwless wiring (push-in) – No screwdriver required
  • Color coded leds show inputs and outputs on every terminal – no voltmeter required
  • EASY pushbutton & dip switch setup makes configuration a snap and confirmation of settings in just a glance – NO manual needed
  • Temperature sensor included & supply temp displayed on the bright led display, visible even in the dark – NO flashlight needed
  • MODES SHOWN ON DISPLAY tell you what the board is doing at all times in plain english – NO guessing what codes mean
  • SmartZone can be used with any equipment – Heat Pump, Gas, Electric, radiant, geothermal, etc. as long as it is controlled by 24v.
  • Single-stage & Multi-Stage equipment can be used (3 heat & 2 cooling stages)
  • Heat pump equipment can be used with auxiliary & emergency heat – both electric and dual fuel -  flawlessly with SmartZone (requires heat pump thermostat connected to Zone 1)
  • SmartZone can be paired with any thermostat from the most expensive WiFi stat to the cheapest mechanical thermostat.
  • Any 24v damper (Spring or power) can be controlled by SmartZone
  • Smartzone has exclusive advanced features:
    •     - Economy Mode allows setback of all zones with the     flip of a switch.  When in eco mode, the system will only     energize if zone 1 makes a call.  This feature is great for vacations or if some of the zones are rarely used.
    •     - Fresh air control allows control of an outside air damper and the system fan on a schedule to bring in fresh air in a prescribed amount.  If fresh air control is required, smartzone-4x has it covered with no additional controls required.  Save $
    • - Smartlink: expand to 20 zones by simply connecting multiple 4X boards together with the smartlink bus. Easiest & most cost effective system for more than 5 zones!
  • Smart staging & limit protection – by using a sophisticated time and temperature algorithm perfected over decades of programming, smartzone stages up and down in the most effective and efficient manner possible.
  • 2nd stage lockout – by setting this dip switch, smartzone will only allow 2nd stage if more than one zone is calling
  • Stage from zone 1 thermostat – allows for a multi-stage thermostat to be connected to zone 1 and control zoning instead of SmartZone (not recommended in typical circumstances)

Light switches don’t save energy… turning the light switch OFF saves energy

Zone Control Infozoning supplyComment

Zoning Return on Investment – Payback?

There is no short answer to this question with Zone Control.  Energy CAN be saved with zoning but it is also capable of increasing the comfort of a home.  Because of this, a zoning system can both save and cost energy depending on how the homeowner uses it.  User habits of operating the system primarily determine how much energy will be used or saved.